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The Ganging of a Hotwife - Volume 2: 10 Book Erotica Bundle! Page 4

  Sylvia Redmond


  I was on my knees and already had my shirt off. My nipples were as hard as rocks and I could feel them poking against my bra as my hands fumbled to unhook the clasp. I could feel my heart racing as I was gasping for breath and all I wanted to do was get my hands on my nipples. It didn’t even matter to me that he was standing in front of me – I was in the process of losing my mind.

  The drug was doing it to me again.

  I got the bra off and my hands went to my breasts to try and rub the itch out of them. Each time I rubbed them they seemed to itch more until I was tugging on my nipples like crazy. I needed to get my shorts and panties off too but I only had two hands and they were both busy. He had taken two steps closer to me though and I had a feeling he wouldn’t mind helping me.

  “My shorts” I gasped, “Take them off me – panties too.”

  He was big, and black, and up until a couple of days ago he was a complete stranger. He bent over and picked me up like I was a sack of flour and a moment later I felt my shorts sliding over my ass. It might have been him or it might have been the Spanish guy, since I heard a second voice in the room now, but it didn’t matter. My hands were moving a mile a minute on my nipples and I could only utter a few words to the two of them.

  “My pussy, please – my pussy” was all I got out, and then I felt him carrying me to the other room.

  I knew I was soaking wet because I could feel the cool air between my legs. At the same time it felt like I was on fire down there and I needed one of them to put it out. My hands were full and there was nothing I could do myself. I felt one of them pulling my hands from my chest and I thought I might go crazy.

  Mark had told me not to order the fertility drug the moment he had looked at their webpage. If I had listened to him I wouldn’t be in this situation, but it was no use to think about that now. I felt one of them behind me and one in front of me while I thought about how I had made that first purchase. Then I felt him touching me between my legs and my world started spinning out of control…

  Chapter 1

  “Hey Mark” I called out to my husband. “Come in here and take a look at this.”

  It was the last move of a desperate woman. We had been trying to start a family for the last year and a half with little success. We had been to the doctors and we had gone through the tests and they found nothing conclusive. We were both fertile they had told us, it just takes a little longer for some couples. I felt like we had waited long enough, although we were not in a position to afford the expensive fertility options that were out there.

  “What is it?” he said as he came in the room and started looking over my shoulder.

  It had been another evening of searching anything and everything having to do with getting pregnant. I had long exhausted the webpages talking about the science behind conceiving and the different therapies to try. I had gone beyond the web forums where women talked about weird tricks their grandmothers told them about that never failed to get them pregnant. I had finally ventured into a darker part of the internet that housed the shady online merchants who were hawking their wares.

  “Are you out of your fucking mind?” he said to me, and I knew he had at least read the first page.

  “Hang on, not so fast, just look at some of their testimonials” I said as I started clicking through the website.

  It was another of a long line of herbal remedies I found that promised exceptional fertility in a pill. I had already vetted some of the most popular online medications, and in one case even tried a thirty day sample. For some reason this one shouted out to me louder than any of the other remedies I had seen and I wanted Mark to take a look at it. I was clearly desperate, but saw no harm in trying.

  “You’re out of your fucking mind honey” he said again, although his voice had softened a notch. “Nobody does any testing on this shit. The FDA can’t regulate it for Christ’s sake. Where the fuck are these guys even from?”

  He fingers clicked through to the ‘About Us’ page.

  “Fucking Peru!” he said. “There’s no way you’re taking some whacked out fertility herb from an online drug store in Peru. Are you nuts?”

  “But it says it was used by the Aztecs…” I started and I knew the argument was weak as soon as it left my lips.

  “Fuck the Aztecs” he said. “It’s going to happen. We are going to get pregnant, and we’re going to have a baby. And we’re going to do it without some whacko herbal remedy that you buy online. Now get the hell off that page, it makes me nervous even having it open in our web browser. Why don’t you start helping me look for contractors? If we’re going to have a little one running around, we’re going to need to have that garage torn down.”

  He turned and left the room and I heard the sound of the TV’s volume go up in the other room. He was right, I knew he was right. It was silly to be looking at something like this. What did the Peruvians know about drug testing? Who knows what kind of side effects I could get from something like that? The Aztecs aren’t even around anymore, maybe this shit killed their fertility. On the other hand…

  I got my credit card out of my wallet quickly while I still heard the game on from the other room. What could trying a one month supply do anyway? Wait – buy one month get the second for fifty percent off – even better…

  Chapter 2

  “I think I’ve found a guy I want to use” Mark was saying. “He said they won’t need to tear down the whole garage, he thinks he can save most of what’s left.”

  I was half listening to him. It was Saturday night and we were snuggled on the couch together watching a move. He was preoccupied with the never ending project of salvaging our dilapidated garage, and I was sitting there thinking about starting our family. Specifically, I was thinking about my first three weeks on Pregstat.

  I had to keep it a secret from Mark. I had ordered it against his wishes, but I was desperate for us to get pregnant. It had been almost a month since we had that discussion, which meant I had already taken three weeks of the drug. And although they were subtle, I was starting to notice side effects.

  I knew that my breasts had swollen, at least a little bit. I knew because clothes that had never been tight before were starting to just barely contain my chest. I knew it had an indirect effect on Mark too. Although he wouldn’t tell me he thought they were getting bigger, he was mauling my tits every chance he got.

  I had also noticed I was starting to feel moist down below almost on a daily basis now. I knew it had been because of the drug, as it had really started happening in the last couple of weeks. I knew all of these things were signs of a woman who was fertile, so I knew that the drug was working. I was starting to think about telling Mark what I had done but thought better of it. I would wait until I got a positive pregnancy test before having that discussion with him.

  He had stopped blabbing about our garage project and we were both focused on our movie. It was barely holding my attention, and the wine I had with dinner was starting to make my eyes heavy. I had just started to doze off when I felt it.

  It started as a buzzing between my legs. My entire body started to tingle, like the sensation you have when your arm falls asleep. But all at once the sensation moved to a single point in my body. I was suddenly aware of both my breasts held constricted in my bra as my nipples started to harden.

  I opened my mouth to say something to Mark but nothing came out but a moan. My nipples started to feel like they were on fire and I needed to get my top off. I could feel my pussy throbbing too but there was no time for touching that – I needed to get my damn shirt and bra off.

  I immediately sat up and started to pull off the shirt. I couldn’t tell Mark what was happening – even if I wanted to I couldn’t get more than a few words out of my mouth. I got my bra off of my body and started feverishly rubbing my nipples. My eyes were glazed over but I knew that I had his undivided attention.

  “Fuck me, fuck me now” I told him.<
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  I don’t know where the words came from, but when they left my lips I knew it was what I needed. My pussy was throbbing but I couldn’t take my hands off my tits. I needed to keep rubbing them and pulling on my nipples to control the itch I was feeling. I was gasping for air and was barely aware that he had his pants down and he was struggling to pull mine off.

  God my pussy was on fire, what’s taking him so long?

  I couldn’t stand it any longer, but I couldn’t take my hands off my own tits. Finally I felt my panties leaving my body and I felt him rolling me over. I was on my knees bent over the couch and he was putting his cock in me from behind. It was soothing the burning but I needed him to go faster. I needed him to shove his cock in me and get me off.

  “Fuck me” I told him again and could feel him moving faster. I needed to struggle to get my chest off the couch and continue with my tits. They were still itching like crazy but I felt it slowing. I felt my orgasm approaching and realized that was dulling whatever had come over me.

  I dared for a moment to take one hand and bring it between my legs. I struggled to touch both nipples with my one hand while my second hand found my clitoris. I swore that my pussy felt like it was a thousand degrees when I touched it, but I couldn’t keep from touching myself. I strummed my clit while Mark pounded me and felt my orgasm hit me like a thunderbolt.

  Mark came a second after I did, and I felt his body releasing inside of mine. I slumped forward on the couch with my naked ass in the air and his seed running down my legs. My body all at once was back under my control and I was left in a state of confusion. I knew I couldn’t tell my husband, even as he started talking to me.

  “THAT was fucking awesome” he said.

  Chapter 3

  “Hey Julie, how are you?” Jessie asked me.

  It was 10:30am on a Wednesday morning and I was at my gym getting eyed up by the personal trainer. I had taken the introductory training session with Jessie when I first joined the gym and had gone through the motions with him. He was your typical body builder turned gym rat type and made no effort to hide the fact he would like to fuck me.

  “Hey Jessie“ I said as I swiped my keycard and made a beeline for the cardio machines.

  I went to the familiar row of machines and hopped on my usual Stairmaster. I was usually there three or four times a week but had missed all of the previous week. I wasn’t because I was busy or because I was out of town. I was too freaked out about what had happened that Saturday night with my husband.

  I had been trying to tell myself I was just feeling amorous and it was no big deal, but I knew better than that. If I took the point in my life when I was the most horny and multiplied it by a thousand, it still would have fallen short of the way I felt that night. I needed a cock in me so bad I was afraid that I might burst, and I absolutely couldn’t take my hands off my own nipples. I had not left the house out of fear that something like that might happen again.

  Of course, everything had been fine since that Saturday night two weeks ago. If anything my breasts had swollen a little bit more, but I was willing to accept that. It hadn’t happened to my body again, and I still wasn’t ready to abandon hope that the drug might help me. I must have looked at that bottle a thousand times, and I had that one line scorched into my brain.

  “It is recommended that the entire two month supply be completed for peak effectiveness”

  I looked around the gym as I neared the end of my workout. I loved coming at this time of day because the gym was usually always empty. That was certainly the case this morning, as I got off the Stairmaster and mopped the sweat off of my brow. I would just do a few arm curls and then call it a day.

  I grabbed a fifteen pound weight and stood in front of the mirror to watch myself as I exercised. I started to make the movement and suddenly dropped the weight on the floor. I was looking in the mirror and saw the points of my nipples appear in my workout shirt just before my pussy started throbbing. My slit was suddenly on fire and my knees buckled but that wasn’t what I was worried about.

  Oh god – my nipples – I had to get my shirt off and get my hands on my tits

  I spun around and saw that there were only one or two people working out in the gym. I already had a hand under my shirt tugging at myself but that wouldn’t do it – I needed to find a spot fast where I could touch myself or I was afraid my head would explode. I scanned the gym and saw my nearest option was the personal trainer room. I knew no one would be in there at this time of day so I stumbled over to it and put my hand on the door.

  Chapter 4

  I had one hand on the doorknob and the other pulling off my shirt as I stumbled into the personal trainer room. I realized I wasn’t alone but at that point I didn’t care since my nipples were throbbing so hard I couldn’t see straight. I staggered into the room and leaned up against the wall as my hands went to my breasts and I did a quick scan of the room.

  I saw Jessie sitting at the little table in the trainer’s room leafing through a magazine. I already had my shirt in my hand and as he watched me I pulled my sports bra off my body and felt the cool air of the gym hitting my nipples. Having them exposed only seemed to make it worse and I immediately starting groping myself for relief.

  My vision was getting blurred as the temperature of my body increased but I realized Jessie had stood up from the desk and had taken two steps closer to me. I didn’t give a shit if the Mormon Tabernacle Choir was standing there, I badly needed to get my shorts and panties down so I could touch my pussy. The heat between my legs was getting unbearable but I couldn’t stand to take my hands off my throbbing nipples even if it mean living them neglected for a split second.

  I dropped to my knees and felt my naked tits shaking in my hands. I reached down with one hand and managed to pull my shorts partly off my body but needed to return my hands to my throbbing tits. I could feel my wet pussy against the cool rubber of the yoga mat I was sitting on and I started gasping at the feeling. I looked up at Jessie who was now standing over me and I tried to talk to him between gasps.

  “Please…” I said. “My pussy…It’s throbbing so bad...”

  In the last part of my brain that could think rationally I was trying to understand why he wasn’t helping me. I saw the blur of him taking off his pants but I couldn’t process it. My nipples ached so bad…

  “Please Jessie…my pussy” I begged at him again.

  I felt his strong body lifting me and a second later I felt the coolness of the mat on my back. I felt my shorts and panties finally being pulled from my body and felt the briefest moment of relief. My fingers went back to work stroking my nipples at a thousand miles an hour to try and bring myself relief. I felt him push his hard cock into my pussy and my madness slowly abated.

  “Yes, yes, that’s it” I told him. “Fuck my pussy, fuck it.”

  He was grunting like an animal and arching his back. My nipples were starting to get sore from my pulling and I managed to reach my hand down to my red hot pussy for a moment while he fucked me. I started to rub myself and felt the relief at once as my orgasm hit me.

  “Ahhhhhhh” I groaned as I felt my body flush out the heat wave that had consumed it for the last five minutes.

  I could feel my pussy throbbing as my orgasm slowly started to cease. I could feel it opening and closing on Jessie’s cock like a tired hand, but I knew it still had strength left in it when I heard him grunt.

  “Oh god” he said and a second later I felt his warm sperm filling me up.

  I laid there stunned as Jessie finished stroking and got up off my spent body. I could feel his sperm oozing out of my body and I knew I still had a problem on my hands. I needed to get home on the computer. I needed to go take a closer look at Pregstat.

  Chapter 5

  I was sitting at my computer after making my way home from the gym. My pussy was still tingling subtly from the fucking I had gotten an hour before and my boobs were still swelling. I shifted in my seat in a vain attempt to get comfor
table and started Googling this Peruvian shit that was making me lose my mind a couple of times a month.

  I needed to go deep into the Google results to get anything meaningful. The first couple of pages gave me nothing but marketing bullshit and all of the other claims made by websites like the one I had originally found. I got to the Google results that mattered to me – I found the forums and the bulletin boards where women like me were hanging out. I started to read what these women were saying about Pregstat.

  There weren’t a lot of posts, probably about a dozen or so. If it was any other thing I was searching for, I would have given up long ago. But even in that small number of search results I saw what I had been looking for. I read what some of these women had experienced and I knew I was not alone.

  “…two weeks after using it I fucked my husband and his best friend…”

  “…couldn’t keep my hands off of myself, needed to get myself off as soon as it started…”

  “…started leaving the house with a dildo in my purse, just in case it happened…”

  “…wound up pregnant at the end of two months…”


  That was what I was looking for. I needed to see at least one woman who said it had worked. Maybe the price of the extra fertility just meant I would be a fucking machine one or twice a month. I had just two more weeks of the drug left to take. Certainly if I could last another two weeks I would increase my chances of getting pregnant. For all I knew, I was hosting a fertilized egg already. Patience was a virtue – two more weeks.

  I heard Mark ambling down the hallway and I quickly closed my search results.

  “Good news baby” he said.

  “Oh? What’s that?” I asked him.

  “The contractor I found” he said. “He can have a crew here next week to start working.”