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The Ganging of a Hotwife - Volume 2: 10 Book Erotica Bundle! Page 7

  “I’ll talk to you later,” he said, because he knew he had to say something to me, and he walked out the door.

  Chapter 2

  Was it my fault?

  We had been married for almost ten years. I was one of the young hotties at the bar that every guy wanted to fuck. I had pledged myself to be his, and he was my only for almost a decade now. I know I had put on a couple of pounds, but I know that guys still looked at me too. I always caught guys staring at me with ‘Fuck Me’ eyes, and while I had more than a few lewd offers to go with them, I had never been unfaithful.

  But it was getting harder.

  I was a flesh and blood woman after all. When we first got married, we had more sex than I thought I could handle. Jake knew every inch of my body, and he had taught me things about myself that made me blush even now. In a way that made things worse, because my body was craving those things and he hardly touched me. Most of the satisfaction I received these days came from my own hands, or the sex toys I kept hidden away from my husband’s eyes. And all I really wanted was for him to touch me…

  The phone on my desk rang and I looked at its digital display. The name on the little electronic window was Robert Stafford, which was not a name I was used to seeing. I was the administrative assistant for Peter Goulding, one of the associates of the firm. Robert Stafford was not only a partner, but one of the founding partners of the Stafford, Fox and Campbell law firm. He was a man I knew cordially as someone who was responsible for putting food on our table, but one that I hardly dealt with at all on a professional basis.

  “Good afternoon Mr. Stafford,” I said as I picked up the phone.

  “Good afternoon Leigh,” he answered. “Are you in the middle of anything at the moment? I was wondering if I might have a word…”


  I was sitting in what must have been the single biggest private office of the firm. It was an office I had walked by dozens of times but I had never had a reason to be inside. On most occasions the door remained closed as the man inside conducted the highest business of the firm. The fact that the door was now closed as I sat in front of him was something that was not lost on me.

  I looked at Robert Stafford as he sat in front of me behind his large mahogany desk. He was something of an enigma and he was often the subject of water cooler conversations among the women of the firm. I guessed he was about ten years older than I was, but it was an estimate based purely on the success and confident air of a man like Stafford. He had the athletic build and handsome good looks of a man younger than me by ten years at least.

  “Leigh,” he said as he began, “I appreciate you coming to see me. I have something I want to ask of you that is a bit out of the ordinary, and I would appreciate it if you could keep it in the strictest of confidence.”

  “Yes, of course Mr. Stafford,” I replied in dire anticipation of whatever required such a disclaimer.

  I watched him as he rose and looked out his window as he continued to speak.

  “As you may or may not be aware, my wife and I have divorced within the last year,” he said.

  To say that I was merely aware of that tidbit of gossip would have been a massive understatement. News of the Stafford divorce had spread through the cubicles of the firm like a fire through dry tinder. His wife had been a notorious gold digging shrew, and every woman with compassion in her heart for the handsome founder of the firm had been his silent champion throughout the drama that followed.

  “Yes sir, I believe I’ve heard something about that,” I told him. “I’m terribly sorry.”

  He looked at me and nodded his head in appreciation before continuing.

  “In any event, I have a bit of an awkward situation that I need to deal with and I was hoping that you could help me,” he said. “We have a mutual friend of ours who is getting married next weekend and I know that Susan will be in attendance. I also know that she happens to be dating so it will be an extremely uncomfortable situation for me.”

  I watched him as he turned and sat back down at his desk. He looked at me and leaned forward before speaking in a way that conveyed the intimate nature of our conversation.

  “I’m asking you if you would accompany me to this wedding, as my date,” he said, and he leaned back a little in his chair. “I haven’t dated anyone since the divorce, Leigh. I have thrown myself one hundred percent into the business and have had little opportunity for anything not directly related to the practice. It will be extremely awkward for me to be there by myself – I hope you understand.”

  For someone who could buy and sell me ten times over, he seemed incredibly vulnerable and genuine. I looked at his dark good looks and considered him for a moment.

  Certainly this guy had his pick of whatever blonde bimbo he wanted?

  “I absolutely understand Mr. Stafford,” I told him. “But why me?”

  He looked at me incredulously.

  “Why not you?” he said. “I can’t go walking in there with some eighteen year old girl, Leigh. She knows that’s not me, and it will come off as phony right away. I would like to leave her with the impression that the person I bring is someone I’m intimate with, and frankly you’re the best looking woman we have working at the firm.”

  I felt my face starting to blush and immediately felt foolish.

  “I’m sorry,” he said as he leaned back in his chair. “I didn’t mean to embarrass you. And I don’t plan on asking you to do this out of the goodness of your heart. I’d like to compensate you. I’ll give you five thousand dollars for the night if you come out and do this for me. I’ll probably even have you home by midnight.”

  Five thousand dollars?

  I immediately thought about how distraught Jake had been over finances that morning, and how he could not even bring himself to look at me anymore. Maybe if I did this and gave him a thousand dollars to stave off his bills it would rekindle a little interest in me. Maybe this was a sign I needed to do this to help save our marriage.

  “By all means, think it over,” Stafford said. “Talk to your husband and make sure he’s comfortable with it. I don’t want you doing anything that will make you uncomfortable. But it will really be helping me out.”

  Chapter 3

  “Five thousand dollars?” Jake asked.

  I was watching his expression as he did the math in his head. It was obvious that his first thought was not that a man wanted to take out his wife – he was going through his mental ledger, ticking off bills. His expression changed suddenly and he looked back at me.

  “That’s a shitload of money,” he said. “All he wants to do is take you to a wedding?”

  “Yes, I told him. “These guys are millionaires; five grand is nothing to them. I see the client billing that goes through that place. That’s a couple of hours’ worth of work to them.”

  He nodded his head and stared off into space again, counting the money I was about to earn for him. Ten years ago he would have been so pissed off at the suggestion that he would have gone out and beat the ass of the guy that had made the request. He had a strict “hands off” policy when we were dating that men knew not to try testing. The fact that he was getting ready to accept what Stafford was offering told me everything I needed to know about the state of our marriage.

  “That would pay a lot of bills,” he said to no one in particular as he continued staring into space.

  I had known what his answer was going to be before I had even mentioned it to him. I had even considered not telling him at all and just showing up afterwards with the five thousand in case. But I wanted to give him one last chance to show me that he still cared at all.

  The truth was I wanted to go to the wedding with Robert Stafford. He had been the first man to call me good looking in I don’t know how many years. I thought about the way I had blushed in front of him as he made his proposal to me. He was a good looking man too – and certainly wealthy enough to have his pick of women to go to something like that with him. I had thought about little else s
ince he had asked me. I had thought about some of the other things I would like to do too…

  “I mean, I guess there’s no harm in it, right baby?” Jake was asking me. “Shit, God knows I could use that money.”

  He looked at me and he smiled but it wasn’t sincere. It was a forced smile, meant to show me his gratitude for what I was about to do. There was a small part of me that was holding out hope that he would change his mind at the last second. The bigger part of me was already looking forward to a night out with another handsome man.

  “No, no harm in it,” I said to him. “As long as you think it’s okay, then I might as well go with him.”

  Chapter 4

  “More wine, ma’am?”

  I nodded and watched as the waiter topped off my glass. I had stopped counting at two glasses because I was enjoying myself and I wanted to relax. The evening had started slightly tense because I knew that Robert’s ex-wife would be there and it had the potential to feel uncomfortable. After the third glass of wine even the less subtle stares from her friends were bouncing right off me.

  “I have to say Leigh, I think you and Robert make a lovely couple.”

  The compliment came from one of the other women at our table. We were two hours into the wedding reception and Robert and I were seated together at a table with three other couples, far enough from the dance floor that I could just hear her over the din of the music. Robert had introduced me to the other couples at the table when we sat down, but based on the limited amount of conversation it was obvious that they were not the closest of friends.

  “Well thank you, Beverly,” I replied, thanking God that I could remember her name in spite of the wine that was making my head buzz.

  “Hold on to her Robert,” the women said, as she turned her attention to my date. “You should know better than anyone that good women are hard to find.”

  “Indeed they are,” he said back to her, and I felt him put his hand on my leg to play the part. “Indeed they are.”

  Beverly was immediately occupied in a discussion with her own husband and I watched as Robert leaned in close to me. He got close enough to whisper and I could feel his breath on my neck as he did it. The realization that his hand was still on my thigh immediately raised my body temperature about ten degrees.

  “You’re doing great,” he whispered to me, and then he leaned closer, so that his lips were practically touching my ear as he spoke. “And you look stunning Leigh.”

  I watched him as he leaned back and returned to the monotonous small talk at our reception table. I had originally been self-conscious when he got that close to me, because I knew that my dress left little to the imagination. I had pulled out the most formal thing I had, which was a strapless, little black thing I had bought for a cocktail party several years before. It was tight now in spots that men liked tightness and I knew I was practically spilling out of it. Every time he leaned in to speak to me I knew he was getting an eyeful.

  And I was loving it.

  I looked at the table in front of him as he spoke to the man next to him and I knew that he was probably plenty relaxed himself right now. Like all men of power, he was a martini drinker, and there were several empty glasses in front of him. His demeanor certainly didn’t show the effects of alcohol but he had gotten pretty friendly with me as the evening drew on, and I was starting to feel my mind wander into places it shouldn’t be going.

  The loud dance music suddenly changed tempo and I realized they were playing a slow dancing song. I felt his hand on my thigh tugging at me again and I gasped as I looked up at him. My dress displayed as much below my waist as it did under my neckline, and I realized his hand was now on my bare thigh.

  “Leigh,” he said in a hushed whisper, again just inches from my ear. “My ex has been giving me the look. Just give me one slow dance on the dance floor and then we’ll go.”

  I nodded and he was immediately standing and offering me his hand. I stood from the table and let him led me to the dance floor by the arm. I felt the alcohol going to my head as I walked behind him and was glad when he finally stopped and I was able to put my arms on him to steady himself. He led me to a corner of the dance floor and he started to dance beyond the sea of bobbing couples.

  We started to dance and I could see his ex-wife shooting me a death stare as she danced with her date on the other side of the dance floor. I tried to stretch up to whisper to him and swooned clumsily on my drunken legs.

  “Your ex, she’s watching us,” I told him, and I listened to him as he laughed.

  “Good for her,” he said. “Let’s give her a show then.”

  I immediately felt his hand as it started traveling over my back in a slow caress. It landed on my ass and sat there conspicuously before he started to move it again. I snuggled in closer to him and instinctively looked up into his face. There was the slightest of hesitation before he leaned forward and we were locked in a kiss.

  I felt his tongue in my mouth briefly before he broke the kiss and we continued to dance. My body had been neglected for so long that the simple feel of his hand on my ass had made my pussy wet. I could feel myself breathing as the song came near its end, and I realized that I had forgotten all about his ex-wife on the other end of the dance floor.

  “Okay,” he said as the tempo of the music started to change again. “I’ve had enough of this party. Let me just say my goodbyes to the bride and groom and then why don’t we get you home?”

  Chapter 5

  I watched the big, black limousine pull up in front of the reception hall and Stafford’s chauffer dutifully stepped out to open the door. Robert motioned for me to get into the car, and as I felt my body sway I immediately felt his hand on my ass. He kept it there slightly longer than necessary as I slid onto the back seat and he came in behind me. I felt my body pushed back into the leather as the big car pulled away from the curb and the driver accelerated away.

  My body was still tingling from the way he had touched me on the dance floor and I was fighting with myself to behave. I knew that what he had been doing inside was an act to spite his ex-wife, but I could feel my body responding.

  And his hand on my ass at the curb wasn’t an act!

  I crossed and uncrossed my legs as I thought about the way he had touched me and I immediately felt his eyes on me.

  “Thanks,” Robert Stafford said. “You were great tonight. I suppose I should get you home.”

  I caught the slightest bit of inflection in his voice that told me he was asking me a question. I watched his eyes long enough to see them linger over my body before moving back to my face. He had looked at my body longer in that moment then my husband had looked at me in the last year. I felt my resolve weaken as the temperature between my legs started to rise.

  “I’m not in a rush,” I told him.

  He leaned over and was on me in an instant. His hands were on my body even before his mouth touched my lips. I felt his hand on my leg as his mouth pressed over mine and his other hand traveled up my body. I could feel him touching parts of me that my husband had grown tired of and I wanted nothing more at that moment than to feel him in my pussy.

  I felt his hands pawing at my breasts as my breathing started to quicken. I could feel his hands between my legs as my body started to squirm. I was hit with the sudden realization that we were grabbing at each other in the back of his limousine and I used all my strength to break his embrace and push him away.

  “Your driver,” I said, and I realized I was practically panting as I said it. “Can he see us?”

  Robert nodded to me and reached over to the console behind him. He put his finger on a button and I watched as the darkened window moved up between the driver and the back seat of the big car. When it stopped I knew that we were completely out of view of the driver and everything that happened now was just between the two of us.

  “He’s very discreet,” Robert said as he slid his body next to mine, “but he can’t see us at all now.”

  His ha
nds were back on my body, and I tried to muster every last bit of willpower I had to keep myself from straying. He had his lips on my neck as his hand slid slowly up my leg and under my dress.

  I’m a married woman… I shouldn’t be doing this…

  His hand was inside my thighs and his fingers expertly slid under the waistband of my panties. I hadn’t realized how wet my pussy had gotten until he slid his fingers into me and I heard myself gasp. My body offered him little resistance as his fingers moved deeper into me and I grabbed onto his arm.

  “I shouldn’t be doing this Robert,” I told him.

  He didn’t reply to me right away but continued to massage me with his fingers. I could feel him sliding another finger into me as my pussy throbbed against him. He teased my clit with his thumb and I felt my body shudder. Then he lifted his lips from my neck.

  “Shhh…just relax, Leigh. You know you want this,” he said.

  Oh God I wanted it!

  I felt his fingers slip from my pussy and a moment later his hands were around my hips. He turned his body and lifted me in one motion so that I was perched facing him on his lap. He grabbed me again and started to kiss me and I felt his hands moving up my back. He fumbled for a moment until he found the zipper of my dress and then I heard the familiar sound of it being pulled down.

  I could feel the air on my back as he slid his hand down my spine and into my panties. I gasped and arched my back forward as he had his hands inside the front of my dress and was pulling my arms free. He grabbed my heavy tits in a flash and any resolve I had to stop him vanished as he started to massage me. I felt his hot tongue on my nipples and suddenly became aware of the hard cock that I felt underneath me as I straddled him.

  “The dress,” he said as he lifted his head from my nipples. “Take your dress off.”

  The throb in my pussy was getting hotter as I felt his mouth go back to my breasts. I could feel his hard cock rubbing against my lonely pussy and it was driving me wild. I needed to at least give him the appearance of resistance, if for no other reason than to convince myself that I was doing this against my will.