The Ganging of a Hotwife - Volume 2: 10 Book Erotica Bundle! Read online

  The Ganging of a Hotwife

  Volume II

  Sylvia Redmond

  Sondra Wilde

  Copyright 2015 by Night Watch Publishing. All rights reserved.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  This story contains sexually explicit content and is intended for readers over 18 years of age. By downloading this document you acknowledge that you are over 18 years of age. All fictitious characters who are engaged in sexual acts in this book are likewise over 18 years of age, whether explicitly stated or not.

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  Night Watch Publishing

  Table of Contents

  The Blindfolded Tag Team

  The Fertility Drug Made Me Do It

  The Pool Girl and the Governor’s Wife

  Reclaiming Her

  Home Wrecker

  Take Me & Make Me

  Helping Him Make Parole

  The Ex-Wife Gets Ganged

  Wet Nurse For Hire

  The Accidental Escort

  The Blindfolded Tag Team

  Sylvia Redmond


  I was walking down the hallway behind them. Ramona had my wife by the arm and was helping her, although she didn’t really need the help. She knew where she was going – she was taking her to the bedroom, and Darius and John were already there waiting for her.

  We got inside and I saw them both standing to the side of the bed. Their eyes were feasting on Becky, and I couldn’t blame them. She was wearing that sundress she had bought last year – it was the sexiest thing she owned. I picked it out for her when she was getting ready earlier, even as I told her I didn’t think they would make her go through with it.

  But I had known they would. Even as the words were leaving my mouth, I was thinking about them both taking her.

  Ramona had Becky face the wall as she was putting the blindfold on her. I realized she was using a new blindfold she must have taken from her pocket. It made sense to me, since the one from the week before had gotten ruined when Nicole had been wearing it. It was obvious that Ramona was prepared, and my cock itched as I wondered what she would do next.

  She had the blindfold on Becky and she spun her around as she started to explain the rules. It was unnecessary at that point, we had all talked about it and she knew what was expected. I realized that Ramona was really doing it to prolong things, as her hands dropped to the hem of the sundress and she started lifting it over my innocent wife’s head.

  It was something that hadn’t happened before. It was usually the other two husbands who would start taking off the blindfolded wife’s clothes. But I realized that nobody else in the room was going to stop Ramona as her hands went behind Becky’s back and started fiddling with her bra. A moment later the straps were loose and Ramona’s soft, black hands were gliding over my wife’s breasts to remove the bra. Of course she could have just slipped it over her shoulders, but Ramona had other things on her mind.

  She was pushing Becky back onto the bed and I realized the other two guys were starting to get undressed. I looked at Becky’s nearly naked body and I thought about how I had pursued her for years before we had gotten married. I had been her first and she vowed on our wedding day to never be with another. And here I was serving her up to the three of them and I could hardly sit still as I waited for it to start.

  I watched as Darius pulled off the last of his clothes and his huge cock sprang free. I had seen it for the first time when we were with Nicole and I was equally impressed with its size now. Nicole had always been kind of wild so I had been surprised when she was barely able to handle it. I watched Ramona pull Becky’s panties away from her quivering pussy and I wondered how in the hell my wife would ever get that thing inside of her.

  It occurred to me momentarily that I still had a chance to stop it before it went any further. But I knew in my heart there was no stopping it now. I had been all too eager when it was the first two wives who were blindfolded. I had fucked them both without a second thought, and now it was Becky’s turn – that was the deal.

  I watched them as they started touching her body and she started to squirm. I thought about when Ramona had originally suggested the whole idea. I thought about when John and I had been the first to play and we tag teamed Ramona together. She was wild and she had loved it, almost as much as Nicole had a week later. I watched my own sweet wife now and I wondered if I would do it any differently if I had the chance to make that decision all over again…

  Chapter 1

  “How many wives did Henry the XIII have?” John asked.

  It was Ramona’s turn, and I could tell by the look on her face as soon as John asked the question that she didn’t know the answer and she was going to be drinking. I could also tell by the slight slur of her voice that she was starting to get a little bit loaded.

  “How the fuck am I supposed to know the answer to that?” she said. “Bottoms up!”

  The rest of the table laughed as she took her shot.

  “Baby, you better be careful” she said to Darius as she wiped the sangria from her lips. “If I keep losing like this you’re going to need to be carrying me to bed.”

  “Don’t worry” her husband said. “If you’re too loaded I’m sure John and Greg will give me a hand getting you into bed.”

  The rest of them laughed, and I laughed with them. But he was right. I would have no problem helping Darius get his wife into bed. I was looking at her luscious cleavage now and wondering what her beautiful black tits looked like underneath that blouse. And it wasn’t the first time I had wondered about it.

  The six of us had gotten to be good friends and had been spending a lot of time together. Tonight was a typical Saturday night which meant we were at our house playing a drinking game and shooting the shit. On nights when we were at John and Nicole’s house we would be hanging out by their pool doing the same thing. That meant I had seen each of the other wives in their bathing suits and had ample time fantasizing about fucking both of them. And I was certain that John and Darius had thought the same thing about Becky.

  “Well shit, if that’s what you guys are after, you don’t have to get me drunk to do it” Ramona said. “I’ll take the three of you guys on whenever you’re ready.”

  The liquor was relaxing everyone and the subject was starting to turn to sex. It was a pretty predictable pattern, and Ramona was usually the first to start with the naughty talk. Nicole would be right behind her. She was reserved on the outside but once she got a buzz on her true nature would come out, and it sounded like she was a wild one in the bedroom. Becky would usually stay quiet for most if it though. My wife had been innocent right up until marrying me, and as much as she liked sex she managed to be reserved about it most of the time.

  “Is that something you would really consider doing?” Nicole asked Ramona, as my curiosity level went up a notch.

  “Who’s to say it’s something Darius and I haven’t already done?” she said, and she got a round of Oos and Ahhs from the table.

  I looked at her luscious black curves and imagined her taking on multiple partners. It wasn’t a big leap to make. She and Darius both talked pretty wild and had made enough sexual innuendos to make it obvious they were willing to play pretty loosely within the confines of their marriag

  “I see you over there laughing” Ramona said to my wife. “You’re thinking about it too, aren’t you?”

  I looked at Becky who had been giggling next to me. Just having the question get posed to her made her turn three shades of red. She was dressed in a conservative top but still looked devilishly alluring. Her big tits were stretching out her top and I thought about what I would do to them when I got her home that night. I knew she was getting tipsy too, so her inhibitions would be down for sure.

  “I don’t know” Becky said, and I looked at her in shock.

  “I could maybe see myself doing something like that, but I don’t know that I could be looking at the two of you guys while it was happening, you know?” she said, gesturing to Darius and John. “I mean, we’ve gotten to be friends, it would be kind of weird to be watching you guys while you’re doing stuff to me.”


  It was not the answer that I was expecting from my sweet and demure wife. I’m pretty sure it was an alcohol fueled answer and I know she probably would have said something different under other circumstances. Still, I felt my cock twitch at the mere suggestion of her thinking about it. And then Ramona ran with it.

  “Well, that’s easy enough to take care of Becky” she said. “It’s called a blindfold. You wear a blindfold while the other two husbands have their way with you. You never even see who is doing what and it makes it all the more exciting.”

  A silence came over the table and my mind ran through every possible scenario in about two seconds. I would blindfold Ramona and tag team her with John at the drop of a hat. She was sexy as hell, and I’m pretty sure I had already imagined that scenario, or one a lot like it, dozens of times.

  I looked at Nicole sitting next to John and I knew it wouldn’t take much for me to throw her the wood either. The last time I saw her in a bikini at John’s house I had to struggle to hide my boner for the rest of the night at the pool. It was the thought about the wild side that lurked under that bathing suit that made me curious as hell – that and her huge tits. I wasn’t going to be the one to push Ramona’s idea though.

  “That actually sounds sexy as hell” Nicole said, and I felt my cock stir again.

  Nicole had a big old buzz on, so she was obviously susceptible to what Ramona was saying. It also occurred to me that not a single husband had offered an opinion yet, which as far as I was concerned was akin to a full show of hands of approval.

  “It’s settled then” Ramona said. “And to show you guys I’m not all talk, I’ll go first and then one of you girls can go next week.”

  Chapter 2

  John and I were sitting there stunned. I wasn’t entirely comfortable with the idea but I wasn’t going to be the one to turn it down either. Ramona looked sexy as hell as she stood up and there was a huge part of me that wanted to see what her black pussy looked like under the tight jeans she was wearing. Still, the suggestion had been an outrageous one and I knew that someone else would object long before I needed to open my mouth.

  She was standing and was dragging John and I both to our feet. I looked at Darius and he just shrugged his shoulders, giving me a non-verbal indication that his feisty wife was going to do whatever she wanted to do. I couldn’t help thinking as Ramona pulled on our arms that Darius was probably already thinking about banging both of our white wives.

  “Come on you two, let’s go” she was saying.

  I looked at Nicole who was obviously under the influence and was loving every minute of it.

  “Woohoo, you go girl” Nicole said.

  Did she realize her husband was going to be fucking Ramona? Did she realize this meant me and Darius would end up fucking her?

  “Let’s go you guys, before I change my mind” Ramona was saying, as she got John and me to the entrance of the hallway.

  I gave my wife one last parting glance. I knew that she was the only thing that stood between me and the bedroom where we would be fucking Ramona. But when I looked at her I realized she was pretty loaded too, and she was caught up in the moment just like Nicole had been. I felt one last pull and Ramona had us both at the foot of the stairs leading up to our bedroom. I realized Darius had gotten up to follow us as I watched his wife’s sexy ass lead us upstairs.

  Neither of our wives had objected to the suggestion and I knew that John and I were both all in on the idea. I was watching Ramona’s sexy hips sway from side to side as she ascended the stairs in front of us. When she got to the top she stumbled a bit to remind us that she was still a little loaded. It gave me a chance to put my hand on her sexy ass to steady her and I felt my cock give a slight twitch.

  “Ooh, thanks” she said as she giggled and straightened herself up as she headed to our bedroom.

  John and I both looked at each other and then followed her into the bedroom as she went to the center of the room and sat on the bed.

  “Ok, first things first, the rules” she said. “Darius will blindfold me, and he has to stay in the room just to make sure you two don’t get carried away and try anything silly.”

  John and I looked at each other, trying to imagine what would possibly be too silly for her now that she was stepping over the line, but we stayed quiet.

  “Second” she said as she waved a drunken finger at us. “Neither one of you guys can talk, since that would defeat the whole purpose of this.”

  We nodded, and I felt my dick starting to get hard.

  “Third” she said. “Darius is the only one here who can say anything, but he’s not allowed to touch me, only you guys. Got it?”

  We both nodded again. We both got it. I was sitting there looking at her sexy black body and I knew she was ready to get it too. And she looked like she wanted it.

  “Blindfold” she said to me. “You got something we can use?”

  I got up without saying a word and went to my dresser. I knew I had bandanas we could use that would that would be as close to perfect as we could get. I rummaged quickly through my top drawer until I came up with a red one that still had tags on it.

  “Perfect” she slurred and she took the bandana from me.

  She turned and handed it to Darius.

  “Here you go honey” she said. “You do the honors.”

  Chapter 3

  I watched Darius carefully tying the bandana around his sexy wife’s eyes. He took his time, and even undid the knot and retied it twice. He wanted to be sure that her eyes were completely covered, which I understood. I was also getting to the point where I just wanted him to be finished, so John and I could start undressing her.

  He finally got it tied to his satisfaction and stepped away from her. He walked over to the bedroom door that I didn’t even realize had still been standing open and he swung the door shut. There was a brief moment where no one moved and Ramona just sat there looking sexy with her eyes covered. She broke the silence finally as Darius sat there and nodded.

  “Come and get it” she said.

  I wasn’t sure what we were supposed to be doing at first, and I was pretty sure John felt the same way. I didn’t know if this was a one-at-a-time thing or if we were both jumping in together. I looked at John and he was still standing there staring at her so I decided to take the initiative. I had been staring at her delicious cleavage all night and decided I didn’t want to wait any longer.

  I went over to the bed and sat down next to her while looking at the blindfold. I was watching to see if she turned her head at all in my presence to acknowledge that she could see me. She didn’t move at all but jumped a little when the bed went down so I knew that her sight was entirely obstructed. My hands then went to the buttons on her blouse and started at the first button.

  My hands were trembling and I knew I was feeling the effects of a nice Tequila buzz as I fumbled through the buttons. I pulled the shirt from her jeans as I got the last button undone and I pulled the shirt from her shoulders. I was looking at her gorgeous brown skin but I wanted to get at her tits. My hands went to her back and I starte
d fumbling with the bra as I realized John was stepping in closer to us.

  I got her bra undone and whipped it from her body so I could get at her luscious tits. They were not as big as Becky’s but they fit right in my hands and had thick, black nipples that were already hard. I started playing with her tits and listened to her moan and a second later her body was falling back on the bed. I was confused until I realized that John had her legs in his hands and was struggling to get her zipper down.

  John was fighting with her pants and my cock was throbbing so I took the moment to stand and take my own pants off. I ripped my briefs from my body as I watched John finally wrestle her tight jeans off of her body and she was left with only her little pair of lace panties on. Her nipples were sticking straight up and she moaned softly as he got his fingers in her waistband and tugged the panties from her. I was looking right at the dark, black hair of her pussy and I thought I might cum right there as John started running his fingers through her pussy hair.

  “Oh god yeah” she moaned and she spread her slender, black legs for him as he played with her twat.

  I was watching her mouth as she moaned and I knew exactly what I wanted. I got back on the bed and crawled up by her head and I looked at Darius one last time. I had my cock in my hand and was inches away from his wife’s moaning mouth as he nodded and smiled at me.

  “Oh – holy shit” she said and I realized John had his face between her legs.

  He had her tight ass in his hands and his head was down and he was licking her pink pussy for all he was worth. She had her head back and was moaning like crazy as I took her face in my hands. She was still caught in the middle of a moan as I took my cock with my other hand and put it into her open mouth.

  “Hmmmf” she gagged in surprise as I put it in and then she started to relax.

  I felt her throat open up as one of her hands reached up blindly and she grabbed my slick shaft. She came up for air for a second and then dutifully put her mouth back on my aching cock. I could feel myself throbbing as she ran her tongue over me and I returned my hands to her breasts.