Knotted Up and Shared Read online

  Knotted Up and Shared

  Sylvia Redmond

  Copyright 2016 by Night Watch Publishing. All rights reserved.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  This story contains sexually explicit content and is intended for readers over 18 years of age. By downloading this document you acknowledge that you are over 18 years of age. All fictitious characters who are engaged in sexual acts in this book are likewise over 18 years of age, whether explicitly stated or not.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Shared at the Party

  Chapter 1

  I wasn’t even undressed yet and I could feel his hands all over me. I was trying to take his clothes off and he was trying to take off mine – and it was starting to turn into a half-naked wrestling match. I knew my pussy was wet but it wasn’t my primary concern – I was trying to get the jeans off of my already sexed up husband.

  “Matt, keep fucking still so I can get your pants off!”

  I kept fumbling for his zipper but he was still fighting me, caught between grabbing at my tits and grabbing for the zipper of my own pants. I was horny and frustrated and becoming out of breath which was only making me want it more. We were coming up on two years of marriage so we were still technically newlyweds, and I wanted it so bad right now it seemed like our wedding night all over again.

  I felt his hands pinch one of my hard nipples and I opened my mouth in a squeal, giving him the momentary upper hand. He swung himself out from under me at in the blink of an eye was on top of me, running both of his hands up under my shirt. I felt his hands on my tits and I moaned, as I felt my body starting to betray me under the weight of his body. And as I began to submit to him, I realized he was trying to grab my hands by the wrist.

  It was some kind of weird fixation he had lately. He wanted to get my hands above my head so that he could tie me up. We had a four poster bed so it would have been easy if he overpowered me – it was just a matter of getting my wrists over my head. And the truth was the thought made my pussy tingle, I just wasn’t sure where the fuck this idea was coming from.

  I started struggling with him as I felt him pulling on my arms. I could feel his hard cock against my leg as my own breathing got harder. My pussy was on fire but I wasn’t giving up that easy. And I still needed to know how this idea had gotten into his head.

  “What – what the fuck are you doing?”

  “Easy – I just want to tie you up. I want to tie up your hands and fuck your brains out” he said.

  “What the fuck is it with you wanting to tie me up all of a sudden? This is the second time this week that you’ve tried it.”

  My pussy was wet and I was out of breath from wrestling with him. And the thought of what he had in mind for me once he had me tied down was enough to make me think about it. I was getting ready to give into him willingly when he answered my question.

  “It’s just that I was talking about it with Zack is all” my husband said. “I guess Zack put the idea in my head, talking about some of the stuff he’s done with some of his ex-girlfriends.”

  It was the wrong thing to say, and Matt knew it as soon as the words were out of my mouth. He knew how I felt about Zack, and my legs started to close even as my blood pressure started to rise. I watched his expression change as he started to realize that he had fucked up.

  “You were talking to Zack about him tying up his girlfriends? You were talking to him about tying me up?”

  It didn’t surprise me that Zack had tied up girls in his past. I was sure that he had done a whole lot worse. And I’m sure that the girls he had dated had let him do just about anything that he wanted to them. Because that was the kind of guy that Zack was.

  “Baby, it’s not like that, I swear” my husband started to stammer. “It’s just that we’ve been working a lot together lately, and guys talk shit.”

  There were two things about Zack that bothered me. One of them was the way that he looked at me whenever he was around. His eyes were on my ass and my tits the minute he came into our house. I could feel him undressing me with his eyes and thinking about god-knows-what about my body. And he looked like the kind of guy that was ready to deliver on what he was thinking at the drop of a hat.

  “You know the way he looks at me Matt. You know how much it bothers me.”

  It did bother me, but not necessarily for the reason my husband probably thought. There was a part of me that liked the way Zack looked at me. There was a part of me that wondered what a guy like that was thinking when he looked at my tits and my ass.

  One of the things I loved about my husband was the fact that he had led a sheltered sex life before he had met me. But Zack was a guy that had obviously been around, and yet he was obsessed with my body when he came into our house. It was something that I had to admit to myself turned me on.

  And the fact that it turned me on only made me angrier…

  “I know baby, I’m sorry” my husband said, and he was starting to recoil like a dog that had gotten scolded. “It’s just guys talk, you know that. But when they talk about tying their girlfriends up, it just sounds really sexy, you know? And I think about you, and I just think…”

  I was listening to him talk about it and the part of me that was turned on by Zack was starting to get turned on by being tied up. And the part of me that was annoyed was starting to get even madder. That was too many emotions for me to deal with and I picked myself up from the bed in frustration.

  “I don’t want you talking to him about us in the bedroom anymore” I yelled at him and I stormed out of the room.

  Chapter 2

  I put Matt on ice for a couple of days and hadn’t let him touch me. I was still pissed at the fact that he had talked about me with Zack, but I was ready to let the idea go. My blood ran hot on most days, and I had been fully ready to fuck him when I decided to shut him down. And I was pretty certain by now that the ‘no-sex’ treatment was a bigger punishment for me that it was for him.

  On top of that, I had now become obsessed with the idea of my husband tying me up. I had a fair amount of sex in my day, but I had never let a man bind me and have his way with me. Matt was an excellent and thorough lover, and the thought of what he might do to me if I couldn’t resist him made my pussy tingle. So I had made the ultimate decision – I was going to open my legs back up to him, and I was going to do it while being strapped to our bed.

  I looked at myself in the mirror as I started to get ready. I was originally going to go all nude, but I decided I needed to make him work at least a little. I resolved to remain topless, but to keep on a pair of leopard skin panties. I knew they were his favorite, and my fingers lightly adjusted them as I looked at myself in the mirror.

  My pussy was already wet – it was something I just knew because I could feel the heat between my legs. But I let one of my fingers slip beneath the silk fabric in an innocent move to prove it to myself. I felt my finger easily part the moist lips of my pussy as I looked at myself in the mirror, and I looking at my reflection I could tell that my nipples were hardening. I wasn’t sure I could wait one more second to fuck my husband, but I knew I needed to.

  I still needed to get down to the business of tying myself up for him…

  I turned from the mirror and crawled up onto our four poster bed. I grabbed the two ropes that I had prepared from my nightstand. I had found directions for a s
lipknot on the internet that seemed like the easiest way to do what I wanted to do. I rolled onto my side, getting my left hand as close to the left bedpost as I could. I scooted over so that I could reach my right hand over, and was easily able to slip the large end of the rope over the post. I pulled gently on the rope, and watched as the knot tightened around my left hand.

  One down…

  I rolled over towards the right side of the bed to pull off the same feat with the rope around my right hand. I realized that I had miscalculated and made the rope slightly too short, and I had to reach to try to get to the right bedpost. Even while stretching, I was still falling way too short, and in an act of desperation I tried to fling the large end of the loop around the knobby bedpost. I nailed it on the second try, with a precision that I knew I couldn’t replicate again in a thousand years if I tried. I let my body relax and my right arm dropped, tightening the second loop around the back of my wrist.

  My arms were both tied above me now – that much was painfully clear. But I hadn’t counted on the ropes being nearly three inches too short. With each knot tightened around the back part of my wrist, I slowly started to panic as I realized I couldn’t untie myself if I needed to. I would be truly at my husband’s mercy when he got here, and that thought went right to my crotch as I felt my pussy tingle. But if for some reason he wasn’t able to get here…

  I heard the unlocked door at the front of the house open and I heard his footsteps as he entered. It was a few minutes before five thirty, which I knew would be right about the time he would be getting home. I could feel my pussy positively burning up at the thought of what he would to do me in my completely helpless state, and I called down to him in a voice that I realize sounded hoarse.

  “I’m up here!”

  I heard the sound of his work boots as he stopped from wherever he was going. I could hear him circle back to the stairs and then start the slow ascent upwards. My pussy was throbbing uncontrollably as he took his fucking sweet old time, and by the time he reached the top of the stairs I was certain I could feel wetness running down my ass. He was just a few feet away, but his slow footsteps seem to take an eternity.

  I watched as his shadow darkened the doorway. He almost seemed to hesitate, and I wanted to yell out to him. But as wet as I was between my legs, this was his fantasy to live out, so I waited. I waited an excruciating few seconds, which to me felt like a lifetime.

  And then I watched as Zack walked into our bedroom.

  Chapter 3

  “Well, well, well” he said, as a lascivious smile spread slowly across his face.

  My immediate reaction was shock while I lay there motionless and I tried to rationalize what I was seeing. When panic hit me I flinched and immediately tried to move my hands to cover myself. I realized foolishly that my right hand had been going to cover my pussy while my left had been going to cover my tits, but neither moved more than a quarter inch against the fucking ropes that had me bound.

  “Zack?” I said when I finally found my voice, “What the fuck are you doing here?”

  I was looking at him with eyes that were wide with panic, but he wasn’t looking at me at all. His eyes were traveling over every inch of my naked, vulnerable body. I had caught him numerous times leering at me when I was fully dressed, and I had felt violated. Now that I was naked in front of him, discretion was out the window and I was leaving him few surprises.

  “Matt’s going to be late” he told me. “He asked me to come over and let you know. He has it in his head that you don’t like me, and he thought that if I had a few minutes alone with you I could win you over.”

  He stepped closer to me as he said it, and his eyes finally rose to mine. The look on his face held a mixed message for me, but I knew as he stepped closer to me that the thought of untying me had yet to enter his mind.

  “Is that true Trish? Don’t you like me?”

  He was being coy in that little boy way that I was certain allowed him to bang countless women in his past. And it was part of the charm that I knew my darker side had liked. But as he said it his eyes drifted to the one part of my body that wasn’t completely exposed to him, and I knew it was the one part of me that was also sopping wet. My voice caught in my throat as I forced myself to answer him.

  “It’s – it’s not that I don’t like you Zack” I stammered. “I just told Matt, I always feel you looking at me whenever you’re over, that’s all.”

  He nodded his head in understanding but his eyes never left my crotch. I was so aroused that for a moment I wondered if he could even smell me, and as I started to dismiss the foolish idea from my mind he slid onto the bed next to me. He seemed like a hound who caught the scent of a bitch in heat, and I was starting to fear I was about to be mounted.

  “I am always looking at you Trish” he said as his eyes came up to mine again. “You’re the hottest piece of ass I think I’ve ever seen, and I’ve seen plenty.”

  His words were vulgar and repulsive, but he was suddenly speaking in a soft whisper. And as vulgar as it was, it was also a compliment, in a back alley kind of way. But it was also a compliment he was giving me as I was tied up half naked in front of him, and I just wanted the whole thing to end. But then he put his hand on my thigh and I knew we were a far way from over.

  Chapter 4

  I felt his hand on my thigh and my body reflexively jumped. But he moved quickly and in a second he had his hand between my legs. He looked his index finger under the elastic of the fabric against my crotch, as I felt him gently pull the panties back from my body. And as soon as he had the fabric moved I could feel the air of the room on my wet pussy.

  He was looking intently at my pussy as he pulled the panties back, and a whole new look of lust spread across his face. He was sizing me up and he knew just from looking at me that I was sexed up and ready to go. And I knew he was going to do more than look, and as if he was reading my mind I watched as he moved forward with his other hand.

  With anyone else it would have been an index finger, but with Zack it was a thumb that I felt first. I felt the blunt pressure of his largest digit as he pushed the lips of my wet pussy back and then rubbed around its sensitive edges. I felt myself pulling against the ropes again but now it was because I was writhing. I wanted to tell him to stop but all that came out of my mouth was a moan.

  “Yeah…” he said softly, and that fucking thumb kept tracing its way back and forth. “Just relax Trish. You just need a few minutes alone with ‘ol Zack, that’s what your husband said. And by the looks of things, you’re starting to like me a little more already.”

  “Zack, no…”

  He dipped a finger inside of me and all further protests from my mouth ceased. That damn thumb of his was still busy, lazily dragging itself all around the edges of my orgasm starved pussy. The finger he had plunged inside of me flexed briefly and then withdrew. But it was that fucking thumb of his that wasn’t going to let me breathe.

  “That’s it baby” he said as he kept teasing me. “Feels good, doesn’t it?”

  It felt fucking great but I wasn’t going to tell him that. I wanted to get off, and I wanted to get fucked – but I wasn’t telling him that either. All I could do was lay there and let him have his fun, and try not to think about what he was doing to me. But with each rotation of that fucking thumb he was getting closer and closer to my clit, and when he brushed the edge of it I let out another moan.

  “Oh yeah, that a girl” he said, teasing me with his words as much as with his hands. “If you think that feels good, you’re going to love this.”

  His thumb was just hovering above my clit, barely touching my body at all. But it was his other finger I felt now, the one that was still slick from its trip into my pussy. He was tracing light circles with it, moving lower and lower. And it was just a second or two before I felt the tip starting to tickle the edge of my asshole.

  It wasn’t a place that my husband played with, and up until that point I hadn’t even considered it a hot spot. B
ut Zack knew what he was doing, and as his finger touched me there I felt a bolt of electricity go through my body. I felt my body tense in a natural reaction, as I tried to pull my ass away. But even as I recoiled, I could feel the tip of his wet finger there, hovering just below me.

  “Just relax baby, don’t fight it” he said.

  I was hating myself for how much my body wanted to feel that finger inside of me, but I was still trying to pull away with all of my might. He didn’t force it and he didn’t pull it away – he just left it there, poised at the tight entrance to my ass. I couldn’t pull my body away any further, and I could feel my strength draining as my muscles started to tire. And then I felt the light touch of that fucking thumb again, as he slowly starting to touch my painfully aching clit.

  My body reacted to his touch by relaxing as he strummed me, and the natural result was for my hunched body to slide back down the bed. He kept his finger there – slick and waiting for me – as my body did all the work for him. It was what he was going for, I knew that now. He wanted me to push myself onto his finger. And as I felt his warm, wet knuckle pass inside of me, I realized that I had wanted it too.

  “Oh my god!” I moaned as I sank down onto him, and I felt his finger exploring an erogenous zone I didn’t even know I had.

  “That’s it Trish, just enjoy it” he said again a quietly.

  My body twisted from the feeling and my hips extended, causing me to make contact again with that fucking thumb that was still hovering over my clit. It felt like there were four sets of hands pleasuring me at once – he was like fucking Mozart playing piano for the king. But as my orgasm got closer he sensed it and I felt him pull himself back.

  His thumb left my body first as a felt my engorged clit throbbing, begging him for release. But he kept that fucking finger in my ass – not moving, not twisting – just there where I could feel it. It was deliciously brutal and I hated him for it, but my body was begging for it at the same time. I looked down and saw him looking at me, and I hated myself for what I said next.