Mr. Big: An Erotic Novella of Epic Proportions Read online

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  “Jesus Christ Jackie, really? Moaning Monica Sanders? Where do you get this shit from? Do you know her?”

  She laughed and tossed back her mane of hair and made me realize I couldn’t be mad at her if I tried.

  “Well, no, I don’t know her really” she said. “I just happened to be in the locker room yesterday when she was in there with Fast Felicia Stanwick. I heard her mention you, that’s all.”

  She didn’t offer me anything else, and I didn’t expect her to. It was all part of the game.

  “Yeah, well, she said she was interested in exercising again, getting back into shape – you know. It’s the same thing that motivates everyone to come back to the gym and get a personal trainer.”

  “Uh huh” she said, and I was expecting to fight off more digs, but they didn’t come.

  Instead she took the conversation in a place that I would never have expected at all.

  “Anyway, you know I have my sister’s wedding coming up in a month.”

  I nodded my head like I knew what she was talking about. It may have been something she mentioned during idle chit chat while she worked out, but I couldn’t be sure. I was a man after all, and my hearing wasn’t that great. And she could be telling me the location of Blackbeard’s gold, but if she told me while she was working out in front of me, well…

  “Right, your sister’s wedding” I said. “And?”

  “I was just thinking, maybe I’ll take you up on that extra session, you know? Maybe we could do a session on Wednesday, if you’re still willing. A private one though, ok? I’m sick of coming here to the gym.”

  Chapter 9

  It was a place I had never envisioned myself seeing before. I was standing in front of Jackie O’s front door with a lump in my throat that was almost making it hard to breathe. Part of me was terrified and the other part felt like a little kid on Christmas morning as I stuck out my finger to ring her doorbell.

  I tried to remind myself that I was here to help her prepare for her sister’s wedding, that she had apparently told me about at some point but I had forgotten. I tried to remind myself that she was the one woman I had vowed to never touch. If luck was on my side her husband would be home and we could get down to the business of exercising like I had hoped we would.

  And then the door swung open and she was looking right at me…

  “Hi Michael, come on in!”

  What I was expecting was to see Jackie in the same cotton workout clothes that I had seen her in a thousand times before. But what I got was a vision of sexiness unlike anything I had ever seen. She was wearing a light cotton skirt with a scooped cotton t-shirt that looked casual and classy and sexy as hell. And it was the last thing she should have been wearing to work out.

  She turned on a pivot and the little skirt ruffled and showed off the legs she had been working on so hard in the gym. I realized as I followed her into the house that I must have caught her coming home from some important engagement. Certainly this was a sign her husband must be home.

  “Is Mr. O at home?” I asked her.

  I tried to ask in a voice that sounded confident. I tried to ask in a way that didn’t make me sound nervous.

  And I failed at both…

  She didn’t even turn to me as she answered my question.

  “My husband? No, he’s not home right now. Don’t worry about him.”


  She was leading me down the hallway of her house. I was having a hard time concentrating on anything but her body in that fucking skirt, and even in the darkened hallway I could catch the glint of her wedding band. It had all the elements of the perfect storm, but I needed to be strong. I needed to keep our relationship about the exercise.

  “So listen Jackie, about your sister’s wedding. I was thinking today we work on legs. It’s an easy part of the body to work out at home. Why don’t you change, and then we’ll pick a spot in the house where we can get down to business.”

  She wasn’t acknowledging a goddamn word I was saying as she kept walking the hall. When she got to the last doorway she turned to face me.

  “You’re telling me you need me to change?”

  “Well, yeah – I just figured you could throw on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt like you always do. I figured you weren’t planning on working out in that. I mean, you look really nice, but…”

  She smiled at me and I felt my face go flush. Ordinarily I could usually play these married women like a conductor playing an orchestra. But Jackie had me feeling like I was a virgin back in junior high school. And as I started to stammer she reached out to grab my hands.

  She started backing into room at the end of the hallway. I was pretty certain I knew what kind of room it was, and it wasn’t the kind you would be going to for doing squats. I tried to keep from looking at the bed as she pulled me in and the only other thing in my line of vision was her body.

  And it looked fucking great…

  “What’s the matter Michael? Why are you so quiet all of a sudden? You’re like – what does that song say? Like a kitten up a tree?”

  She was right. She had flipped the script on me, and I still wasn’t completely certain why it was freaking me out.

  “Jackie, where’s your husband?” I asked her again.

  “I told you not to worry about him” she said.

  She was still pulling me into the room, and she only stopped when the bed kept her from going any further.

  “Ok, I don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable any longer. I’ll change like you asked me to.”

  Her hands were at the hem of her shirt and pulling upwards as her milky white skin came into my view. It occurred to me that I had never seen her encased in anything but sweaty cotton, and now I was looking at her gorgeous married breasts in nothing but a sheer silk bra. I could feel Mister Happy starting to wake up in my pants and I knew once he was up and about all further bets were off.

  “Just give me a second Michael, and we can get started on my workout.”

  Her hands were at the skirt and in a second the fabric was at her ankles on the floor. I didn’t think it was possible for her to look sexier than she looked in that fucking skirt, but that was before she was standing in front of my in nothing but a bra and a pair of leopard skin panties. The only thing between me and paradise right now was a set of silk from a rack at Victoria’s Secret.

  “Cat still have your tongue Michael?” she asked. “Then let me ask you this – Why do they call you Mr. Big?”

  As the words rolled off her lips the answer to her question was threatening to rip through the shorts I was wearing. She knew why they called me that, and I knew she knew why they called me that. And any chance I had of stopping it before it went further flew out the window when she stepped forward and put her hand between my legs.

  “Holy shit!” she said. “They weren’t kidding around.”

  I could feel her fingers stroking the outline of my hard cock as my defenses started to fade away. Somewhere in the back of my mind I still wanted to keep her off limits but my cock was telling an entirely different story. She was looking me dead in the eyes as she touched me, and I made one last attempt to do the decent thing.

  “Are you sure you want to…”

  She took her hands off my cock long enough to put them on my shoulders and give my body a push. With the strength of a woman who has been professionally trained she launched me on my back onto the bed. She had her nearly naked body on top of me before I was able to fully process what was happening, and her busy hands were pulling my shorts off my body. With a rush of cool air I felt my aching cock spring free of its cotton prison.

  “Oh Michael!” Jackie said, as I felt her warm hand close around me.

  Of course it was her left hand. Of course it was the hand with the wedding band. My eyes locked on that gold ring as her fingers started to dance up and down my throbbing cock. I watched her hands – hands that were committed to another man – as she caressed and stroked my aching, starving cock.

  “It is big Michael – it’s so big!”

  She wasn’t talking directly to me as she spoke. She was speaking to me but she was looking at my hard cock as she fingered it. And as she finished speaking she opened her mouth and in a moment I felt her wet tongue gliding over my glans. As I felt her starting to expertly work me over, I realized with sudden panic that this may be the first time a married woman was able to get me to climax first.

  I quickly reached down and got a hand onto her back and fumbled for her bra. As I felt her warm tongue working my cock my hands hit the tiny clasp keeping her breasts in place. I took a deep breath and concentrated long enough to manage the bra clasp with a trembling hand, and in a minute I felt the strap break free. I brought up my other hand and wrestled with her briefly to pull the now useless bra from her body.

  I felt Jackie’s warm breasts on my legs as the bra came free and I took the moment to try to gain an upper hand. I seized onto each of her tits with hands that were shaking as I started massaging her right down to her nipples. It was enough to get her to moan and to free her eager mouth from my hard cock. But I realized I still had some work to do if I was going to fend her off long enough to bring her to orgasm.

  “What do you think you’re doing Michael?” she asked me between moans.

  I didn’t give her an answer, because the answer to me was clear. I also realized I was in mid-moan myself as I reached for her lower body. She still had a pair of panties on, and I knew if I was going to win this fight, those panties would need to join the bra that was now lying on the floor. The part of me that wasn’t concentrating on ripping her last article of clothing from her body was dimly aware that she was frantically pulling my own shirt from mine.

  “What do you think you’re doing Michael? Huh? What do you think you’re doing Mr. Big?”

  She was laughing as she said it. She said it with a giggle, but I was all business as I pulled the panties from her body. The pussy that was underneath the wet fabric was a pussy I had thought about for years but never envisioned taking. And as it came into my view it was the sweetest thing I had ever seen.

  “Come here Jackie” I said to her, and I realized it was the first thing I had said since landing on the bed.

  I picked her up by the waist and held her over my throbbing cock. Her luscious body was squirming over top of me, but I realized she was wiggling to make contact with me and not to pull away. I started to lower her and just started to feel the tickle of her pussy hair on the head of my cock when I stopped.

  “Protection? Should we be using protection?” I asked.

  “Don’t be silly Michael!” she said, and she gave my balls a gentle squeeze.

  She knew what she was doing. It was enough of a squeeze to force me to relax my hold and her body made contact with mine. Her hands hit my midsection as she caught herself, but not before the head of my cock slipped in. She straightened her arms, stopping herself as I felt her warm pussy starting to wrap itself around the head of my cock. But the head of my cock wasn’t what I wanted.

  I desperately want more…

  I raised my hips off the bed trying with all of my might to push more of myself into her. But with each inch I raised my body she met me by raising hers. I realized as I looked into her eyes that she was laughing – she was laughing while I was writhing in sexual frustration. Every bit of strength I had in my body was tied up in my hard cock as I let my hips sag back onto the bed.

  “Easy big guy” she said. “Let me do the work.”

  I let my body go slack, realizing I was no longer in the driver’s seat – although I wasn’t sure by now if I ever was. I leaned back and relaxed, as much as relaxing was possible with a rock hard cock. I savored the view of Jackie O, naked and poised over top of me. I thought about how many times I had played this scenario over in my mind, and I realized none of my fantasies were a match for the feeling of her live, wet pussy.

  “That’s it Michael” she said as she started to lower herself, and I felt the sweet lips of her pussy parting on the head of my cock.

  I reached up to fondle her breasts as she lowered herself onto my stiff cock. All the times I had looked at those tits, buried under layers of sweaty cotton, were not lost on me as I kneaded her soft flesh. Her nipples were large, like dark silver dollars, and as I rolled them under my fingers I was finally able to elicit a moan. But it didn’t stop her from continuing down my long, hard shaft.

  She flexed her arms in an effort to pause her descent, and I was treated with the sight of her toned triceps. The muscles in her trim arms bulged only momentarily as she sighed and let herself drift down a little lower. I could feel the wet lips of her pussy – stretching and dragging themselves down my throbbing shaft – and my fear of climaxing first resurfaced with renewed urgency. As if reading my mind, she placed a finger on my lips and she spoke.

  “Just take it easy Michael – if you enjoyed that, you’re really going to love this.”

  I felt her wetness grinding against the base of my cock, telling me that she had taken the entire thing in. As quick as she had hit bottom she flexed her arms again and I watched as she raised her delicious ass up. The movement was not subtle, but quick and insistent as she peaked and brought herself back down, banging herself on me again with a force that was borderline painful. She then switched into a gear that told me she was going to fuck my brains out.

  It had been almost too much to bear. Just watching her get undressed had almost been too much to bear, and now she was bearing down on me with all the fury of a married woman scorned. I tried to busy myself with her swinging naked breasts but I knew that my impending climax was certain and unavoidable. She was controlling me like I had never been controlled, and I was getting ready to cum like a kid on prom night. And I realized she was looking me right in the eyes as I felt her give my testicles a gentle squeeze.

  “Go ahead Mr. Big – show me what you got!”

  I wanted to last forever, but she barely got the words out and I felt myself releasing into her womb. Her pussy grabbed onto me as I came and it felt like another set of tiny hands were tugging every last drop out of me. I wanted to speak or say something clever but the only thing that came out of my mouth was a low, guttural moan. And I realized it wouldn’t have mattered if I was speaking or not, because as I watched her I saw her go over the edge herself.

  Fuck, her husband was a lucky guy…

  Chapter 10

  I was still spent, laying there in her bed. For a guy that spent hour upon hour working out in the gym, I didn’t feel like I could lift a muscle. But if there was only one muscle I could lift, there was no doubt which one I would want it to be – because as she lay there next to me, all that I wanted was more.

  She stirred and got up off the bed and stepped in front of the mirror to check herself. She only took a minute to check her hair and was satisfied. I was looking at her naked body from behind and was plenty satisfied myself. I would have been satisfied to sit there and look at her until tomorrow.

  It was bittersweet. It was the first time it had ever been bittersweet. I would be leaving and she would be back in this bed with her husband and this whole married-woman fiasco of mine would blow up in my face. It was the reason I didn’t want to chase after Jackie O in the first place, and I had no one to blame for fucking it up but myself. She turned to look at me and I realized I had been wearing a scowl on my face.

  “What the hell’s the matter with you?” she said. “I’ve never cum so hard in my life – Are you telling me that wasn’t any good for you, you bonehead?”

  Fucking Jackie O – I just loved her…

  “It was great you insensitive bitch!” I shot back at her and immediately got the laugh I was expecting. “I just told myself I was never going to fuck around with you. You’re – different – than the other married ones at the gym. I’ve gone and fucked that up.”

  She laughed and came forward to hug me. I wanted to feel her naked body against me and I wanted to turn her away at the same time. But like the fucking, she grabbed onto me and didn’t let me go.

  “I’ll let you in on a little secret Michael. I’m not really married. I’ve never been married. This ring belonged to my grandmother. I only wear it to the gym to keep guys like you away!”

  That took a minute to process, but I knew the scowl had left my face.

  “Oh, and I don’t even have a sister” she said.

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  Other books from Sylvia Redmond

  The new neighbors were friendly alright - perhaps a little too friendly...

  Mark and Julie were a young married couple who had hit a rough spot in their relationship. In an effort to save their marriage, they picked up and moved across the country, determined to make a new start. Part of starting over involved making new friends, and Julie found another older couple just dying to welcome them in.

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  Julie insisted on going to their party, and Mark reluctantly agreed. But when they got to the party Mark took one look at the women there and his suspicions immediately grew. Julie thought he was just being paranoid - certainly the new neighbors were just being friendly.

  And by the time she learned the truth, their marriage would never be the same again...

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  Knotted Up and Shared

  When she tied herself up, she didn't know she would have to share...

  Trish was a young wife, smoldering hot and practically still a newlywed. In a moment of weakness she gives in to one of her husband's fantasies. She decides to surprise him with a little light bondage, and she prepares herself hastily before he comes home from work.

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